Our Monthly Meeting starts at 7pm. Get there early to get a good seat and some World Renowned and World Famous fresh hot Rare Air Popcorn. Giveaways, drinks, and 50/50. We will discuss Upcoming Events and Club Business. Bring a canned good or drive a VW and get Free Raffle tickets for the Evening Raffle. Go to www.rareairvw.com for more info. Visitors Welcome!
View On FacebookLast Modified: Dec 10th, 2024 @ 3:51PM
Established in 1991 when two local VW Clubs :
"Rare Air" & "Emerald Coast"
consolidated to form
The "Rare Air Emerald Coast VW Club"
Located in Sunny Pensacola, Florida
Rare Air Emerald Coast is a local Volkswagen Car Club with about 300 or so members. Club Members range in age from 13 to 80+. Our members own a variety of vehicles, from original pure stock examples ,
to extremely modified street and strip machines.
Yes we even have "Water Coolers"!!!
Rare Air is an excellent resource in the Pensacola area for information, assistance, advice, parts and just about any and everything related to all types of VWs.
Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in VWs.
Meeting Starts at 7pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Cub's Crawfish!
The address is: 4145 Barrancas Ave, Pensacola, FL 32507
See You There!!
Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in VW's.
Membership fee is $15.00 a year and includes use of our Bug Me Video library, use of our club VW specialty tools check out program. Unlimited access to a wealth of collective membership experience and knowledge about VWs.
Note: August is the month that the yearly membership dues are collected. This provides a time that all members can remember when membership dues are due. (Kinda like Income Tax Day !!!)
If you join Rare Air in any month but August kindly use the following Dues Schedule :
Example: A VW enthusists joins Rare Air in the month of December 2013. Using the chart above they would submit $10.00 which would cover membership fees until August 2014. Of course dues can be paid in advance, too.
"How Do I Join??"
To join our Club please Attend one of our meetings, scheduled events or submit your membership fee and the following info:
Type and Year of vehicle(s):
Email address:
Your Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone Number: (Please include area code)
Please mail to:
Bob Heinicke
8206 Li Fair Dr.
Pensacola, FL 32506
Make checks payable to :
Rare Air VW Club
For Additional Information Contact :
PRESIDENT- Wild Bill Tucker
All content, whether written or photograph, video or any other media on this page ©1991-2025 Rare Air Emerald Coast VW Club
NOTE: This site is not affiliated with Volkswagen AG, Volkswagen of America nor any of its agents. The terms "VW" , "Volkswagen" and "Beetle" are copyrighted/trademarked by Volkswagen AG and used here only for descriptive purposes.